Welcome to 3iQ

Financial professional

I confirm that I am a Financial Professional, resident in the United States, and the following pages may be shown to me under the laws of my jurisdiction. This website is not designed for the general public. The website contains information about the services offered by 3iQ to sophisticated investors in the United States that meet certain suitability and qualification standards, and is designed solely for the use of such investors (including their advisers and representatives).

Institutional investor

I confirm that I am an Institutional Investor or Investment Consultant, resident in the United States, and the following pages may be shown to me under the laws of my jurisdiction. This website is not designed for the general public. The website contains information about the services offered by 3iQ to institutional and/or sophisticated investors in the United States and is designed solely for the use of such investors (including their advisors and representatives).

Individual investor

I understand and agree that the following pages are general and/or educational in nature and that neither 3iQ nor any of its affiliates is undertaking to provide investment advice, give advice in a fiduciary capacity, or otherwise provide individualized recommendations regarding investments. I understand that before purchasing any 3iQ product or service I should consult with my independent advisor, who will be responsible for advising me based on my individual circumstances, and I will make any investment decision independently of 3iQ and its affiliates.

I confirm that I am an "ACCREDITED INVESTOR” WITHIN THE MEANING OF NATIONAL INSTRUMENT 45-106 PROSPECTUS AND REGISTRATION EXEMPTIONS; AND/OR (II) A “PERMITTED CLIENT” WITHIN THE MEANING OF NATIONAL INSTRUMENT 31-103 REGISTRATION REQUIREMENTS, EXEMPTIONS AND ONGOING REGISTRANT OBLIGATIONS,  and the following pages may be shown to me under the securities legislation of my province of residence. This website is not designed for the general public. The website contains information about the services offered by 3iQ to institutional investors in Canada that meet certain suitability and qualification standards, and is designed solely for the use of such investors (including their advisers and representatives).

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Our funds

Learn more about BTCQ 3iQ Bitcoin ETF (CAD)

3iQ Bitcoin ETF


100% Bitcoin exposure and the daily price movements of the US dollar price of Bitcoin¹

Opportunity for long-term capital appreciation

Fully secured in cold storage

TFSA and RRSP eligible

¹ May be lower due to a small cash balance in the portfolio holdings. Minimum investment restrictions are outlined in the prospectus.

Learn more about BTCQ 3iQ Bitcoin ETF (CAD)

3iQ Ether Staking ETF


100% Ether exposure and the daily price movements of the US dollar price of Ether¹

Opportunity for long-term capital appreciation

Fully secured in cold storage

TFSA and RRSP eligible

¹ May be lower due to a small cash balance in the portfolio holdings. Minimum investment restrictions are outlined in the prospectus.

Learn more about BTCQ 3iQ Bitcoin ETF (CAD)

The Bitcoin Fund

Closed-end Funds

100% Bitcoin exposure¹

Fully secured in cold storage

TFSA and RRSP eligible

¹ May be lower due to a small cash balance in the portfolio holdings. Minimum investment restrictions are outlined in the prospectus.

Learn more about BTCQ 3iQ Bitcoin ETF (CAD)

The Ether Fund

Closed-end Funds

100% Ether exposure¹

Fully secured in cold storage

TFSA and RRSP eligible

¹ May be lower due to a small cash balance in the portfolio holdings. Minimum investment restrictions are outlined in the prospectus.

Learn more about BTCQ 3iQ Bitcoin ETF (CAD)

3iQ CoinDesk 20 SP

Multi Crypto-asset

Exposure to the CoinDesk 20 Index

Access to a diversified digital asset portfolio

Enables investors to expand beyond Bitcoin

Learn more about BTCQ 3iQ Bitcoin ETF (CAD)

3iQ Global Cryptoasset Fund

This fund is only available to accredited investors. To view fund highlights, please select learn more or contact us with any questions.” with: As of November 11th this fund has been terminated. Please contact info@3iq.ca if you have any questions.

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